Benjamin Geiger
The Professor Erwin Neter Chair of Cell and Tumor Biology
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100
Research Interests
Adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) or to neighboring cells regulates multiple cellular processes such as cell migration, morphogenesis, proliferation, gene expression and survival. Activation of these responses involves specific interaction of membranebound adhesion receptors with the external surface, sensing its chemical, topographic and mechanical features, activation of specific signaling networks and assembly of multi-protein adhesion complexes at the contact site. Topics addressed by different members of the group, include:
– Molecular diversity of adhesion complexes
– The roles of mechanical force in adhesion development
– Role of phosphorylation in regulating cell adhesion and migration
– Signaling from the ECM
– Cell adhesion and migration in cancer
– Quantitatibve automated microscopy and high throughput screens